Friday, July 11, 2014

There Will Never be Peace Ever

I have written about this before but someone I felt the need to express m thoughts on this again.  I keep seeing the talk about the 2002 Arab Initiative.  This plan is very simple.  In fact it's too simple.  It essentially calls for Israel to return to pre 1967 borders in exchange for normalized relations with 22 countries.  Let's take a look at this for a second.  We Israel would have to give away all of East Jerusalem.  This includes Pisgat Zaev, Neve Yaako, The Old City, a large part of Armon HaNztziv, Mountain of Olives, Gilo, Har Homa, Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Hadasa Mount Scopus hospital, Ramot, Ramat Shlomo, AND Har HaBayit (The Temple Mount).  This is simply not acceptable.  On top of that that will require the giving away of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens living in Judea and Samaria but not in Jerusalem including 3 large cities of Ma'aleh Adumim (~40,000), Ariel (~20,000), and Efrat (10,000).  This does not even consider the fact that after such an agreement, the Arabs could easily continue the struggle even though they said they won't.  There is a precedent for this.  Before 1967, their goal was to eliminate Israel.  Once we beat them in such an embarrassing way they all of a sudden wished they had just the 1949 borders.  It's funny how perspective can change.  Have you ever been to a Casino up $100 and thought about quitting but decided that you would like $200.  Then you are down $200 30 mins later and all of a sudden that $100 doesn't sound  so bad.  You say to yourself, well if I just get back to up $100 then I will quit then.  Of course when you get there, you don't quit and try an go for more again.  Same thing with the Arabs.  They say it now and they mean it.  However, once they have that land (G-D forbid), they will want more and will continue fighting.  On top of that they will still want the right of return even into pre 1967 Israel and they will not recognize us as the Jewish state.  To be honest, their test was Gaza.  We gave them some land.  Instead of building something special, they used it as a launching pad for attacking Israel.

So what now?  Well there really can never be peace.  If you just take a step back and look at it objectively you can identify a number of issues that there is room to move on both sides but there are three issues that neither side will ever budge on.  They are:

1.) Jerusalem-After Ehud Olmert came back from the Annapolis accords, rumor has it that he reported to the Knesset behind closed doors that he had come to an agreement with the Pals but that we had to give away East Jerusalem for it.  Essentially he was denied being told that aside from it being wrong, if the Knesset were to agree to this, the political careers of all involved would be over.  That was the last we ever heard about giving away East Jerusalem.  On the Arab side, all I ever hear is Palestine with Jerusalem as it's capital.  I don't know much more than that but it seems that the Arabs are also not willing to give up on Jerusalem for any price.  Essentially this is a stalemate and I could end right here and we should never have to talk about peace but there are 2 more.
2.) Refugees-Whether you accept it or not (I don't) there are lot's of Palestinian refugees both in Israel (including Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) and in other countries.  There are more that don't have refugee status anymore but still the PA considers them refugees.  They demand right of return to their original homes on ALL refugees (even those not officially refugees and even those that would return to areas inside a theoretical final State of Israel) and they are not willing to budge.  For Israel to accept these refugees would be to commit suicide since we would basically be the minority after this.  It's worthy to note that the Jews in Israel were once refugees
3.)Recognition as The Jewish State and the National Homeland of The Jewish People-Many people have belittled this but in reality this is essential.  It's closely connected with #2 but basically without this, the Pals could try and immigrate and just vote us out of Power.  Additionally any Arabs living here could try and turn this into an Arab state.  If they are legitimately interested in peace then this shouldn't be an issue.  Certainly in any peace deal we would recognize an in theory Palestinian state as The Palestinian State and the National Homeland of The Palestinian People.

Are you convinced?  Do you get it?  Do you understand now that there will never be peace?  There should never ever be talk of giving up any land or settlements ever again until you can resolve these 3 issues.  The reason is that if you believe that peace has no chance then you we are giving away land for nothing.  Not for some sort of agreement but just to make people happy.  Once those 3 issues are resolved then we can talk about little things.  I assure you as an Israeli that I am not willing to budge on even one of them and I believe I am the majority.  Furthermore, I believe the Arabs are just as steadfast.

Ok so now what?  Well I don't offer any solutions for some final state.  The issues are known.  If we were to make a single state then Israel wouldn't be Jewish.  We would have to not allow the Arabs voting rights.  Internationally we really couldn't do it.  The status quo is problematic because while we are not officially occupying them, (because there never was a state in the areas) we do have a situation where we are military controlling a population.  It can't go on forever.  I propose this.  Essentially there is already a Palestinian state.  Well there are 3.  There is One in the south which covers a large area including Hebron and Bethlehem.  There is another one which covers Ramallah and Jenin in the north.  Then finally there is the Gaza Strip.  Those areas more are less are what as known as areas A and B from the Oslo Accords other than Gaza.  They are already governed by the Arabs.  They are self sustaining.   Israel should Annex area C which includes basically the settlements.  That is it.  It's not  solution but it is the best case scenario.  We won't have peace.  We should however be able to coexist and that is enough in my eyes.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

This Had to Happen

If anyone will look at the politics of the situation with a clear head, they will see that the conflict in Gaza had to happen.  Here is the chronology and why.  I wanted it to happen anyways but here is why it couldn't have been avoided.

1.)The three yeshiva boys were kidnapped and apparently killed that same day.  Obviously if this hadn't happened, then the conflict in Gaza could have been avoided but that's a different topic.

2.)A vicious search got underway and while they were looking they decided to arrest all terrorists they found along the way.  As the IDF arrested more terrorists, Hamas shot more rockets from Gaza.  To be honest, Hamas had to shoot the rockets.  There is a certain level of honor that goes with these things.  Hamas was willing to stop shooting if we would stop arresting (once again, this would give them some honor) but we were not willing nor should we have been.  We needed to find the boys and their killers (even though we didn't know they had been  killed at this point).  

3.)18 days later, the 3 boys were found dead.  I do believe if they somehow had been found that first night even if they were already dead possibly this could have been avoided.  However, the public was so engaged and had become so attached to these boys that really the PM had to do something even if he didn't want to.  On top of that, Hamas wanted us to stop arresting and looking for the killers.  We couldn't agree to it.  They couldn't stop even if they wanted to due once again to the honor.

4.)The murder of the Arab teen happened the night after the funeral which was the day after the boys were found.  This could have been avoided had Bibi came out and said we are going to hit Hamas hard now.  After Bibi appeared like he wouldn't do anything, the public was furious and unfortunately some people were furious to the point of murder.  This further cemented this conflict since now Hamas was even more mad along with many regular Arabs.  Still Bibi asks for quiet and we will answer with quiet.  At this point Hamas was furious and even if Bibi had agreed to stop the search for the killers, Hamas was beyond mad.

5.)At this point they were at a stalemate.  Hamas wanted Bibi to stop arresting and looking for the killers and he couldn't do that.  Hamas couldn't stop if they wanted to without this out of dignity from their people.  We couldn't stop the search also because it was right and because of the pressure.  Bibi was under even more pressure to hit them harder and not pull back.  As the rocket fire got more intense, Bibi had to do something.  Now you have the war.  Really there was no way of avoiding this short of the kids not being killed.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Jerusalems North East Entrance

Jerusalems's northeast entrance going into Pisgat Zaev is highly crucial.  This is the only entrance to Jerusalem for people coming from places in Eastern Binyamin including (18,000), Kfar Tapuach (1,100), Rachelim (100), Eli (3,200), Ma'aleh Levona (700), Shvut Rachel (400), Nof Harim (200), Palgei Mayim (100), HaYovel (100), Amona (100), Ofra (3,400), Beit El (5,800), Cochav HaShachar (1,600), Rimonim (600), Givat Asaf (100), Psagot (1,700), Mitzpe Ha'ai (100), Ma'aleh Michmash (1,200), Cochav Ya'akov (6,300), and Adam (4,500).  That's almost 50,000 and when you consider most of those numbers are from 2011, it is already above 50,000.

Needless to say that the northern neighborhoods of Jerusalem serve not only Jerusalem but also those 50,000 people.  I am one of them and I can say that those areas are very useful to us.

I can't take it anymore

Seriously I am ready to explode.  If I was an Arab I probably would have exploded already.  What is going on here?  The Arabs are rioting in Jerusalem.  So what if the riot.  I don't care.  They have taken over the city though.  Who's city is it?  Our or theirs?  The new road  from Pisgat Zaev to Begin has been rendered useless.  How?  Why?  Well the Police have decided it's too dangerous to go into that area. unless you are an Arab.  Wait so that means the road is open only to Arabs.  OMG.  Who paid for that road?  That's right.  Racism.  The cost was 180 million NIS.   That's about 50 million USD.  So who paid for this road?  That's right Israeli citizens including Arab Israelis.  The road serves the people living in Northern Pisgat Zaev, Neve Ya'kov, Beit Hanina, those coming in from Eastern Binyamin.  

What about the light rail?  They continue to destroy it.I just saw a picture that I can't find now where they were taking a disc saw to the tracks in Shuafat.  What is going on here?  Our police have arrested just a few and they aren't afraid of us.  This makes me sick.  We must stop this.  We have the power.  We are just afraid to use it and this must stop.

Why is this happening?
Well it's simple really.  Bibi is the problem.  Our PM moved left leaning Likud members up the list in the last elections.  He is right wing in his ideals but he doesn't stand by them.  He is terrified of Obama.  He can't take criticism.  Get over it Bibi.  They will never like you.  We will however love you if you start acting like an Israeli PM and not an American one.

How people feel
I can tell you 

What do we do?
Well generally I would say all is lost but all is not lost.  I have never seen the Israeli public so united but the government not.  We need to protest.  The support for a massive attack and an end to this wussy attitude in Shuafat is enormous.  They cannot contain us.  I don't know why it hasn't happened but there needs to be a big protest like yesterday.  The turnout would be bigger than any Gush Katif protest ever was.  I assure you that all the people that were at that funeral will be there. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Innocent Civilians

Are there innocent civilians in cases where we must kill terrorists or terrorist infrastructure?  Well yes there are.  I guess you would have to assume there are good Arabs.  How should we deal with them?

I remember about 5 years ago there was some highly sought after terrorist kingpin that they had located.  He had surrounded himself in a house with 200 innocent civilians.  We had plans to blow up the house but we decided against it due to the fact that we would have turned that house into a mass grave of 200 innocent civilians with one really deadly terrorist.  The problem is that we put so much weight into the so-called innocents that we encourage it.

What happens is this.  The kingpin tells the people to surround or go into the house.  If they don't then he will kill them.  They do what any wise person would do and then do what he says.  Then we don't kill him which encourages this kind of action for next time.  Furthermore, not all  civilians are spared.  In many cases they don't know about them or they decide that a few dead civilians is acceptable.  Innocent people do die anyways.  

The proper way to deal with this is to ignore the civilians.  First not all are innocent.  Some are willing to help.  Some stand in there to help them.  They believe in the cause.  They are not standing in there out of fear but out of pride.  Secondly, those that are truly innocent are making things worse.  They are doing the sensible thing so what we must do is not make it sensible.  We must kill the terrorists even if it means dead civilians.  Even many dead civilians.  I assure you that if 200 innocent people were to die as a result, then the next time they would think twice.  If they saw that there was a good chance of dying no matter what then things would be different.  They might not listen to the terrorists next time.  Or they might be scared of them and run away before they could be threatened.  They might fight back?  Or they might just let us know more things.  Either way in the long run LESS civilians would die.  Consider the following scenario.  A child cries because he doesn't get what he wants.  The parents cave in and give him what he wants.  Next time he will for sure cry since it worked so well last time.  Same thing.  It works so they do it.  If it stopped working then they would stop using this tactic because they would just be wasting their time.

So who is innocent?  Well if your neighbor is a terrorist and you didn't tell us then you are not innocent.  If your neighbor has a weapons cache and you don't tell then you are not innocent.  Of course by killing terrorists no matter what we will encourage the real innocents to come out.  They will be scared of the next bomb falling on their neighbor's house.  The quasi innocents who support it quietly will not report it and will die as they should.  This is the real solution.

If it comes out that this doesn't work then they were never innocent to begin with.  Also don't tell me you don't know what your neighbor does.  Before I moved to Israel I lived in an affluent area where the houses are at least 100 feet apart and in our case there was even a small forest between us and the neighbor I am speaking about.  We knew they were up to something.  People coming to this house at odd hours.  Weird activity in the house also at odd hours.  We reported it.  It eventually came out that he was arrested by the FBI.  He was a major narcotics supplier in our area.  When your neighbor is up to some serious no good, you know.  They know too and if they don't tell us then they are terrorists themselves.

Good Arabs

I am only writing this post to refer to.  This post should not be considered on it's own as I really don't care too much about this topic on it's own.  Some future posts may be based on this assumption so to avoid rewriting this each time then I will just refer to this.

I want to clarify something.  First I am not a leftist.  I think Likud is on the left so that should put me in perspective.  Heck, I think even Bennett is too far to the left.  Is there such a thing as a good Arab?  In my community, many believe no.  I will tell you that in my opinion, there are some.  I know many that wish Israel would take over.  They want the more trustworthy government.  They want the representation.  I say more because ours isn't that trustworthy or has good representation but pales in comparison to the level of corruption that exists in the PA.

I have talked with them through my job as a guard and through business relations such as buying things and hiring them for services.

Most of them don't care about Hamas.  Some hate Hamas even.  They will say things like, they only bring us problems.  I wish they would just go.  My brother died because his neighbor was Hamas.  Most honestly just want to make a living doing whatever and just live their lives.  They are the majority.  However, it doesn't take many people to spoil it for everyone.  How many Muslims were living in the USA on 9/11 that were law abiding citizens and didn't support terrorists?  Milllions.  On that day though, it was the 19 in those planes that mattered.