Thursday, July 3, 2014

Good Arabs

I am only writing this post to refer to.  This post should not be considered on it's own as I really don't care too much about this topic on it's own.  Some future posts may be based on this assumption so to avoid rewriting this each time then I will just refer to this.

I want to clarify something.  First I am not a leftist.  I think Likud is on the left so that should put me in perspective.  Heck, I think even Bennett is too far to the left.  Is there such a thing as a good Arab?  In my community, many believe no.  I will tell you that in my opinion, there are some.  I know many that wish Israel would take over.  They want the more trustworthy government.  They want the representation.  I say more because ours isn't that trustworthy or has good representation but pales in comparison to the level of corruption that exists in the PA.

I have talked with them through my job as a guard and through business relations such as buying things and hiring them for services.

Most of them don't care about Hamas.  Some hate Hamas even.  They will say things like, they only bring us problems.  I wish they would just go.  My brother died because his neighbor was Hamas.  Most honestly just want to make a living doing whatever and just live their lives.  They are the majority.  However, it doesn't take many people to spoil it for everyone.  How many Muslims were living in the USA on 9/11 that were law abiding citizens and didn't support terrorists?  Milllions.  On that day though, it was the 19 in those planes that mattered.

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